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  • How can I limit my nnEMF & 5G Exposure?
    Screen Your Environment: Purchase an RD10 (the Mito Euro version if you are sensitive) to test your home and workplace for electromagnetic fields (EMF). Alternatively, hire a professional to assess your environment and recommend mitigation strategies. Protect Children: Avoid giving wireless devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets) to children under 13. If necessary, ensure the device is in airplane mode with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi disabled. Microwave radiation penetrates deeper into a child’s developing brain and nervous system, making it more harmful. Pre-download content to devices and use your Wi-Fi's timer to turn it off at night and/or set it to low RF power output mode. Replace Wireless with Wired Solutions: Switch to wired devices where possible and ensure proper grounding of all wiring. The RD10 will read high readings above 10V/m on LFE MODE when a computer, phone or device is not grounded. Replace cordless “DECT” phones, disable Wi-Fi routers, and use Ethernet cables for computers, smart TVs, baby monitors, and gaming consoles. Use grounded Cat7 cables for devices with only two-prong power plugs. Opt out of smart meter installations. Use Smartphones Safely: Keep your phone on airplane mode whenever possible. Be aware that newer smartphones emit high magnetic fields even in flight mode. Avoid carrying phones in your pocket or bra, and never place them to your head. Use speakerphone or an EMF-friendly wired headset. Do not use phones in cars, as radiation levels increase in enclosed spaces and even more when on the move. Limit use to texting or emergencies, and save high-data activities for a wired internet connection. Consider Safer Cooking Options: Replace your microwave oven with a steam convection oven for safer and efficient cooking. Avoid induction cooktops, which generate high magnetic fields, and consider switching to gas. Avoid Smart Appliances: Refrain from purchasing smart appliances, as most come with embedded RF chips. Create a Sleep Sanctuary: Unplug all devices in your bedroom at night. Remove electronics like phones and tablets, and use a battery-powered alarm clock. Turn off the electrical circuit breaker for your bedroom at night, including the light circuit. Keep a flashlight by your bedside. Join Our Community: Become a member of Blakes Electronic Integrators to access expert strategies for reducing exposure to nnEMF and 5G. Many experts consider this one of the most significant environmental health risks today.
  • How accurate is the RD-10?
    For most users, the RD-10 is accurate enough to identify and avoid harmful 5G and electromagnetic exposure. Our custom-calibrated versions provide the highest level of accuracy and often perform on par with professionally calibrated meters in many situations. Even high-end professional RF meters struggle with accuracy in today’s crowded microwave environments because of the wide range of frequencies they must handle. For precise measurements, specialized equipment like low- and high-frequency spectrum analyzers, along with dedicated probes and antennas, is required—designed to measure individual signals at a time. That said, for the average home or office, the RD-10 is more than adequate as a screening tool to help manage and improve your environment. The RD-10’s RF sound signature mode is particularly helpful, as it allows you to identify the source of the problem with sound. After all, as the saying goes, “sound doesn’t lie.” (Whereas numbers can.) For legal certifications or court-level accuracy, you would need specialized equipment and expertise.
  • Can the RD10's measure Dirty Electricity (DE)?
    No, the RD10's do not measure Dirty Electricity (DE). To measure DE—also referred to as high-frequency harmonics or transients on 50/60Hz electrical wiring—you will need a specialized meter. (See recommended meters below.) Alternatively, you can use a standard AM/FM radio set to AM mode and tuned to the lower end of the spectrum. If Dirty Electricity is present, you will hear noise or interference on the radio. To compare, step inside and outside your home or office; with clean 50/60Hz power, there should be little to no noise on the radio. We recommend and use both the STETZERiZER® Microsurge meter by Graham-Stetzer and the Alpha Lab In-Line EMI meter. Both meters used together cover different frequencies. For analyzing the frequencies we recommend using a spectrum analyzer. Power filters can be purchased on-line, however we recommend custom solutions be installed by a professional. Please contact us if you would like an assessment or quote. Common sources of Dirty Electricity include: Fluorescent lights Compact fluorescent bulbs Dimmable light switches Smart meters Solar inverters Split-system air conditioning units with variable drive technology
  • Why are RD-10 detectors only single-axis Gauss meters?
    RD-10 detectors use single-axis sensors because they are significantly more sensitive than three-axis sensors. This enhanced sensitivity allows the RD-10 to measure magnetic fields as low as 1nT (0.01mG), outperforming ALL other three-axis 3-in-1 meters on the market. The custom calibrated RD-10s. the AU and EURO versions are by far the most accurate meters in their class for 50/60Hz measurements, performing on par with other high-quality professional devices like Gigahertz Solutions meters. The RD-10 AU and EURO's unmatched sensitivity and calibration enables* precise measurements where monitoring powergrid levels below 0.20mG (20nT) is paramount. *Note a PC connect kit is required at the point of purchase with the AU version as the LED display only measures down to 20nT/0.20Mg.)
  • Why don’t RD-10 meters display all EMF/RF modes at once?
    Most 3-in-1 EMF meters today display all three modes—RF (Radio Frequency), Gauss (Magnetic Field), and Electric Field—simultaneously. However, this comes at the expense of sensitivity, which is why the RD-10 only allows one mode to be selected at a time: RF: Radio Frequency Power (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, IoT, 4G, 5G) LFM: Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields LFE: Low-Frequency Electric Fields Running all three modes simultaneously creates additional load and noise on the circuit board, significantly reducing the RF sensitivity. This means most 3-in-1 meters can’t reliably detect RF levels below 100 µW/m², making accurate environmental screening nearly impossible. Professional-grade Building Biology meters address this issue by specializing in either high-frequency (RF) or low-frequency (magnetic and electric) measurements. Ideally, an RF meter should measure down to at least 1 µW/m² (0.001 mW/m²) for effective screening. The RD-10 range are the most versatile 3-in-1 meters we’ve tested, providing reliable sensitivity and accurate readings for all three modes, making it an excellent choice for comprehensive environmental screening.
  • Will the RD10's detect 5G milli-meter waves?
    5G mmWave connectivity is a microwave dependent technology and not a standalone mobile solution like microwaves. The ENV/MITO RD10's when in RF MODE detects the 5G mmWave lower multi-tier LTE/5G microwave bands.
  • Where will I find non native EMFs?
    The most common sources are cell phone towers, smart phones, smart meters/monitors, wireless devices, Wi-Fi routers, printers, computers, electrical lighting, televisions, aircon, powerlines, power distribution boards, induction cooktops, cabling and new cars. For more info on where to check for nnEMF’’s see our EMF Basics pages here.
  • Which RD-10 should I buy: AU, STD, or EURO?
    2024 Factory Standard Version (STD) The 2024 RD-10 STD is a user-friendly, durable 3-in-1 EMF/RF detector designed for discreet environmental screening. It offers excellent value for those who don’t need to monitor power grid emissions. Like the AU and EURO editions, the RD-10 STD also features Blake’s RF/5G custom-calibrated firmware. Limitations: The primary limitation of the 2024 STD version is its reduced accuracy when monitoring 50/60Hz power grid infrastructure in urban areas. Like most popular 3-in-1 EMF meters, the 2024 Factory Standard Version tends to under-report 50/60Hz magnetic field levels by approximately 50% compared to German professional-grade meters and the custom-calibrated RD-10 AU & MITO EURO versions. If you live in a less populated area or on a low-traffic street where power infrastructure is not heavily loaded, the STD version is a suitable choice. However, if you are particularly sensitive to EMF exposure, the MITO RD-10 would be the better option. Mass Production Variability: Off-the-shelf, mass-produced EMF detectors sold on Amazon and other online retailers often exhibit significant variations in their readings or intentionally reduce RF sensitivity—such as the TriField 2 EMF Meter—to minimize inconsistencies. However, this inconsistency is eliminated in all our custom-calibrated RD-10 units. Every detector leaving Blake’s workshop is precision-calibrated, ensuring that whether you line up 10, 100, or more, they will all display identical readings in RF/5G Mode—along with consistent accuracy across all three modes in the RD-10 AU & EURO versions. 2025 AU & EURO Custom-Calibrated Versions The ENV RD-10 [AU] and MITO RD-10 [EURO] versions are ideal for users who need more accurate and sensitive readings. Key Features: Increased E-Field Sensitivity: Both versions include an alloy body potential voltage pad on the back, which enhances electric field sensitivity by over 5 V/m. Plus, the new 2025 build is more sensitive than previous models boosting a 1 V/m improvement. Precision Powergrid Monitoring: If you're purchasing or renting a property near powerline infrastructure, accurate readings are essential. In these cases, the AU or EURO version is highly recommended for measuring and monitoring properties, as they are calibrated for this very type of work. (Identical readings as German professional meters.) EURO Version for Sensitivity: Tailored for extra sensitive individuals & EMF/RF professionals working with clients who rely on clear, precise readings in the lower power rangers of EMF/RF readings. Features an expanded 18-step LED display instead of a 9-step and uses European unit Power values (nT & uW) scaled around Building Biology and The BioInitiative Report's recommended guide lines. Note: The gauss low frequency calibration of the 2024 Standard RD-10 version is identical to detectors from the US company AlphaLab Inc., meaning it provides the same readings as their TF2 meter.

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